Today's adventure was our first visit to Corkscrew Swamp, an Audubon conservation area. Here are some of the things we saw as we walked the boardwalk.
This little cutie is an immature ibis. Doesn't he even look like a teenager?
This is a mature yellow crowned night heron. We saw an immature one at Ding Darling. There were at least half a dozen of these birds sitting in various trees.
This was so cool! This is an anhinga and we got to watch it swimming as it searched for food. And it was catching things quite often. The water is shallow so we could see it "flying" under water and every so often just its head and neck popped up for air. Fascinating!
The little pie-billed grebes don't get as much attention with all the flashier birds about.
The vegetation is just as interesting as the wildlife.
Nearly every bloom I leaned over to study came complete with spiderwebs.
The turtles were sunning on a log in a pond-like area of the swamp.
This is a beautiful shot of a flying ibis so you know it is Ron's.
This little woodpecker was pecking away. He is small, maybe five inches top of head to tip of tail. He moved around a lot so he was difficult photograph.
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