February 1: Ding Darling Ditto
We ran some errands and dined at Sonny's Real Pit BBQ for lunch. Our errands included picking a spot to live in April. It's expensive here in Florida ($1,050 per month!) but we have a big discount offer for April and/or May of $169 plus electric. That should drop our average cost per night some. We could have stayed right where we are but we are planning to move to a sister resort called The Groves in Fort Myer. It will be back to The Groves for Ron, he lived there for a couple of years previously!
A loyal reader who shall remain nameless but whose initials are "Heide" asked about Ding's nickname. Here's a quote from his biography by David L. Lendt: Darling signed his creations D'ing, a contraction of his last name. "The apostrophe stood for the 'arl' which were left out in order to make a funnier looking signature and in addition to conceal my identity," Darling explained. The name had been used by his father and by his brother Frank before him.
We visited Ding Darling again. This time we found a Snowy Egret having a bad hair day.
The Blue Heron looks as if it were photographed with a flash, but it wasn't. The sun was getting low and caused this lighting.
Joyce is not good at in-flight pictures. She blames her camera. Ron is good at it but when Joyce gets one, she wants to post it. Hence this Brown Pelican flies into the blog.
Ever wonder what it looks like when a White Pelican yawns? It's a pretty scary sight! This pelican tipped his head back and opened his mouth. The membrane in his lower jaw is so thin, you can almost see through it.
The White Pelicans are the largest birds in the Refuge (and the second largest wingspan among U.S. birds following the Condor) and the Snowy Egret is not the smallest, but it sort of looks that way. Later we attended the Audubon lecture series featuring nature photography. [Just for the record, one woman recognized Ron at the RV park and another at Ding Darling, plus the couples he (and I) know from the camera club -- I can't take him anywhere!]
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