January 27: Six Mile Cypress
Today we walked around the boardwalk at Six Mile Cypress Preserve. There was not as much wildlife visible as Ron expected but anything is more than Joyce expected, never having been there before! We didn't bring our "real" cameras, just Joyce's little one that lives in her purse. We'll be going back for more serious photography a little later in the season.
The boardwalk goes over mostly swampy ground. There are a couple of ponds and a little drier ground. There are lots of cypress trees, some palms, plenty of ferns, and lots of little plants. The palm above was very attractive to Joyce's eye.
As we walked along, Ron kept peeking into the woods. It turns out that he was looking for his tree with the pink lichen. When he found it, they had trimmed around it a little so it was easier to spot.
These are not partially decayed stumps in the swamp water, they are called cypress knees and the cypress grows them on purpose. No one really knows what that purpose is but perhaps it's just none of our business! Some of them provide homes for ferns and perches for birds.
This stuff was growing in one of the ponds. Joyce isn't sure if it is trying to take over or if it stays contained to the edge of the pond.
We weren't really that close to this egret, zoom and cropping at work here!
This is a resurrection fern. Ron says in dry weather they fade away to nothing -- all brown and thoroughly dead looking. Then it rains, as it recently did, and it puffs right back up again!
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