Monday is a Driving Day
Monday was our day to drive from Teton Village to West Yellowstone, a distance of about 125 miles. It took us six hours. We don't like to rush. We backed out of spot 18 at the KOA (without coming close to hitting a tree, by the way) about 10 a.m. We drove up through Teton to stop for lunch at Flagg Ranch which is located between Teton and Yellowstone parks. Following a very pleasant meal we drove on.
As we traveled through Yellowstone, the weather was rather overcast. Ron mentioned that this might be good weather to try to photograph Lewis Falls where the water is often too bright to picture properly. So . . . Joyce pulled about 50 feet of rig to the side of the road (see above). It turns out that overcast weather doesn't help Lewis Falls -- it's just not that attractive. But that didn't stop us from taking over 80 pictures between us! Most of those have gone on to digital heaven. This photo does show water falling and it was taken at Lewis Falls but it is actually a close-up of water pouring over a log and splashing into the river. The water dropped at least three inches!
We arrived in good shape at Grizzly RV Park in West Yellowstone and backed into spot 125 where we will be living for the next 22 nights! During the Stanley Cup game there was a major storm complete with lightning, thunder, rain, and hail.
Sunday, while we were still in the Jackson area, we visited with Joyce's friends Geri and Fred Wacaser. They were the wagon masters for the first two RV caravans that Joyce took to Yellowknife and to Alaska. Fred is working for the National Elk Refuge for the summer. It was great to visit with them.
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