Owls that dig holes in the ground and live in them! Who knew?
They are so cute Joyce wants to pick one up and squeeze it. Ron advises that such an action would likely result in injuries -- to Joyce.
Today we visited Ron's doctor on Cape Coral again and went early so that we could search out some of the burrowing owls there. They are a protected species so if they chose to nest somewhere the lot stays empty which is real handy when searching for owls! Of course the white pipes stuck in the ground like fence posts with yellow tape on them help, too. People have put T-shapes perches near the holes for the birds.
The top picture shows two of the little cuties in this hole. Other nests may have had two inside also but this is the only one we saw. Later one of the two birds came out and gave Joyce "the eye."
At another stop we found this owl perched on the edge of a roof. His hole was in someone's yard and he didn't like our orange car parked near the hole. After we moved the car a little he flew back down to the hole. Please note that he is not an escaped felon, that is an identification band on his leg!